Multi-Pane Charts Quick Start

Creating, Opening or Saving Charts

  • Create a New Chart: Go to File > New > Chart or Alt-0. Then choose the Chart Style, Periodicity, Symbol and other choices presented.
  • Save a Chart: Right click the chart and choose Save or Save As and give the chart a name.
  • Open an Existing Chart: Go to File > Open > Chart or Alt-1. This opens the Object Manager set to Charts as the Object Type. You can than view all of your saved charts in the Object Manager. Select one or multiple to Open.

Import or Export Chart Definitions

Quickly click and paste any shared chart on this site.

Visit any chart on this site and click the Copy button to copy the definition to your clipboard, then from Investor/RT, Ctrl+V to paste and the chart will open.

Here are two ways to Import a Chart Definition:

  1. Go to File > Open > Definition and Browse to the location of the saved Chart Definition and open it.
  2. Copy the contents of the Chart Definition text file to your Clipboard and then go to File > Open > Definition or Ctrl+V to paste and the chart will open.
  3. Drag a text file and drop it onto the Main Investor/RT window.

Here are two ways to Export a Chart Definition:

  1. Right click the Chart and choose Share Chart To >, check Include Definition and click Share. The chart will open in your browser. You can then right click on the filename and save the file or click the Copy button to copy the definition to your clipboard. Read more about Linnsoft ChartShare
  2. Right click the Chart and choose Export > Definition to Clipboard or Export > Definition to File.

Add or Delete an Indicator

Add and Indicator: Right click the Chart and choose Add > Technical Indicator or Insert. Select your Indicator from the list and press Add.

Here are several ways to Delete an Indicator from a Chart:

  • Use the mouse to select the Indicator and press the delete key.
  • Press the Delete Key to open the Chart Element Manager and select the Indicator from the list and press Delete (you can also select more than one).
  • Right click the Indicator and choose Delete.

All about Pane Titles

  • Show or Hide Pane Titles: Right Click any Chart Pane and check or uncheck Show > Pane Titles.
  • Delete an entire Pane (and its Contents): Make sure that Pane Titles are shown as described above and press the X in the upper right corner of the pane.
  • Reorder Panes: Make sure Pane Titles are showing as described above and then mouse down on any Pane Title bar and drag the pane above or below another.

Charting or Comparing Multiple Symbols

  • Add an Additional Instrument: Right click the chart and choose Add > Instrument or Ctrl-I. Select the Instrument and the Pane you'd like to add it to, and and press Add.
  • Compare Multiple Instruments:
    1. Right click the chart and choose Preferences.
    2. On the General Tab, use the Style selector to choose any Style that starts with a percent(%) sign. Then press Apply.
    3. Switch to the Period Tab and then choose from either Begin to Present or Begin to End and set a start date for the chart (and and End Date if applicable). Press OK to close the Chart Preferences.
    4. Add your second Instrument: Right click the chart and choose Add > Instrument or Ctrl-I. Select the Instrument you'd like to add and be sure to select the same Pane as the first instrument along with a Style that starts with a percent(%) sign. Then press Add.

Add a Chart button

Right click the chart and choose Add Button. For information about setting up Buttons, use the Main Menu on this page and go to Support > Find an Indicator and search the Indicator Library page for Buttons.

Min.,Max. or Restore a Chart

Right click the title bar of the chart and choose the requested action.

Change the Periodicity

Here are two ways to Change the Periodicity of a Chart:

  • Right click the chart and choose Periodicity to select from a list of common Periodicities or select Other to open the Periodicity Window.
  • Keyboard Shortcut: Strike any Number and then press Enter. For example, if you are viewing a 1 Minute chart, 30 + Enter will change to a 30 Minute chart. If you are viewing a 100 tick bar chart, 200 + Enter will change to a 200 tick chart. This works for any type of periodicity.

Change the Instrument

Here are two ways to Change the Instrument of a Chart.

  • Type the Instrument and press Enter.
  • Type the first few letters of the Instrument and choose it from the list that appears.
  • Enter the new Instrument into the text field that appears at the bottom left corner of all Multi-pane charts.

Adjust the Viewing Period

Sometimes it may appear that a chart is missing data when, in actuality, the chart is simply set up to view a limited number of days. You can adjust the viewing period of a chart in two ways:

  • Open the Chart Preferences: Right-click in the chart and choose Preferences. Then select the Period Tab and adjust the viewing period.

  • Keyboard Shortcut: Press the period . key to open a window to quickly adjust the viewing period. Viewing period can be expressed as some number of days back, or you can set a specific date when the chart is to being. This keyboard shortcut is easy to remember; the Period of the chart can be easily adjusted using the period key on the keyboard.

Each new chart has a default viewing period based on whether the charts periodicity uses tick data, minute interval data, or daily/weekly/monthly data. You can change these settings using Setup > Charting > Multi-Pane. Select the Period tab to view/edit the number of days that will be setup by default for new charts you create.

NOTE: When you adjust the viewing period of a chart, Investor/RT will automatically request historical data as needed to fill the chart. The data will fill in within a few seconds usually. You may also right-click in the chart and choose Download Data > Full Data to manually request historical data. Generally, this is unnecessary.

Adjust Space at the Right Edge of the Chart

Right click the chart and choose Preferences. Then on the Period Tab, choose either:

  • Right Margin: This setting inserts the desired number of pixels between the right most bar (usually the last price) and the vertical price scale.
  • Lookahead Period: This setting inserts the desired number of bars between the right most bar (usually the last price) and the vertical price scale.

When Right Margin is the method in use, you can adjust the Right Margin by dragging the black triangular icon underneath the last bar in the chart.

Multi-Linking Charts

See the help desk article Multi-Linking for the various features available.