A sample RTX extension that draws a trendline showing the maximum price excursion within the visible portion of the chart. Zoom the chart in/out using mouse wheel and the trendline will redraw for the visible bars. Changing periodicity also affects the visible bars; the SampleRTX will adjust to new visible bars of the new periodicity. For those interested in RTX development, source code is provided for this RTX in the InvestorRT\rtx\lsSampleRTX directory.
The BarNumbers RTX displays a label for a given bar or set of bars that identifies that bar's sequence from the beginning of its session. Bars are numbered chronologically from the beginning of each session so that the first bar of any session is bar #1. This RTX is useful for easily identifying specific bars in a non-time dependent manner, such as for use with trading rooms, collaborations, or mentoring.
TradeBubbles is a component of the Investor/RT Volume Analysis package. The TradeBubbles extension draws 3-dimensional bubbles at each price within the bar. The size and coloring of the bubbles are variable, driven by volume-at price data. The most recently touched prices are drawn in front. The extension has a horizontal positioning option and a horizontal offset and drift option. These settings control drawing so that the more recently touched prices are drawn further right. Filtering options are available at both the trade and price level (e.g. consider only big trades > 10 lots or consider only prices with large volume > 1000). With the flexible position options the TradeBubbles can be effectively combined with other indicators such as VolumeScope or can be positioned between candles with the Centered (Right) or Centered (Left) alignment options.
ChartMiniTrader is an RTX extension available to all Investor/RT subscribers. To invoke the Mini Trader, right-click in any multi-pane chart and choose Trade > ChartMiniTrader. The ChartMiniTrader is a minimalist user interface for submitting trading orders that is seen in a sidebar at the right side of the chart. Since the Mini Trader occupies only a small portion of the side typically, the side bar can also be setup to contain other RTX extension such as a Clock, or various FlexMeters. For users of CQG, Gain, and RIthmic order routing, server side OCO bracket orders are supported using Trading Strategy setups.
The EditUserVariable RTX Extension is a tool designed to facilitate changing the value of a V#, C#, or T# user variable. Chart buttons, setup with purpose Set V# Variable or Set C# Variable can also be used to accomplish this. If a chart button to set a variable has no specific value, then clicking the button prompts for the value in a dialog box. This works well for occasional changes, but is not convenient for making frequent changes to a user variable.