This section of the forum will gather Charts, tips and tricks that may be particularly useful for Tom B Trader's Lab Bookmap discord room, but also for any InvestorRT user interested in futures markets analysis based on order flow and volume profile concepts
In this first post, we will be sharing this youtube video demonstrating how to import into Bookmap cloud notes market levels generated by various InvestorRT indicators such as the Profile Indicator and the Session prices RTX indicator.
The V# variables (dynamically storing these market level prices) are then exported to a csv files (thanks to the Exportdata RTX indicator), with the data being refreshed every 30 seconds or so.
We would like to thank C. Smith for this helpful contribution
Please find on this webpage some tips (together with a chart definition) about using chart buttons to quickly control and increment the sensitivity value used for defined Micro HVN (High Volume Nodes) and include these levels into your export process into Bookmap
One important highlight on that page is that you may, for a given instrument, generate market levels (and store them into V# variables) anywhere in Investor/RT, not necessarily on the chart that includes your Exportdata RTX indicator. Indeed, V# variables are associated with a given instrument and can be updated in realtime from any Investor/RT object (Charts, Quotepage, scan etc).
This means, for example, that you could generate and store V# variables through a profile indicator located inside "Chart 01" and have these levels exported with the Exportdata RTX included in "Chart 02" (as long as charts 01 and 02 main instruments are the same).
Please note that this is not true for C# (aka chart) variables. C# variables are associated with a given chart (not to a given instrument) and therefore can only be exported by an ExportdataRTX indicator located on the same chart...
Before importing the Tom B Investor/RT chart templates (shared in this thread in the subsequent post), please have a quick review of the following recommendations:
1) Upgrade your Investor/RT instance to the latest 15.2 version (either beta or official release). Download and run the installer available here
Some recently introduced features are included in the chart shared by Tom, so a recent Investor/RT is needed to import correctly the corresponding chart definition
2) Use the same instrument session settings as Tom
Make sure you use the same Day session settings (see above screenshot based on Eastern Times) if you want to replicate exactly his charts. For analysis purposes, Tom is splitting the full Globex session into 2 subsessions, with the "Day Session" starting at the cash session open (9.30 NY time) and ending at the Globex session close (5 pm ET) -
To quickly open the instrument settings window, push ALT+A (or go through the File > preference > Instrument > instrument setup menu)
3) Historical data retention settings
Here are some typical settings used by Tom
Whenever you increase the data retention setting, you need to restart IRT and then proceed with a “full data download†from the DTN MA historical data servers
Be aware that such a full tick/1 min data download for ES might take up to 15 minutes. Of course, this needs to be done only once, as, after this initial full data download, any missing data (that wasn't recorded live) will be automatically downloaded whenever you start a new session of Investor/RT.
However, make sure to proceed with this initial FULL data download outside of US cash session hours (as tick data download will be restricted to the past 7 days during the US RTH session hours in order to maintain a light server load durint that period)
4) Make sure you have setup enough User variables (V#)
Go to File > Preference > User variables and adjust the number of 150 for example (I/RT supports up to 512 V#) and then restart Investor/RT so that the change is taken into account
V# variables are multi purpose Variables : they can be used both as input Parameters for technical indicators or to store any kind of spot values. Among other, these variables are used to automatically generate csv files that can be used as inputs for other software (such as Bookmap cloud notes)
More information about V# can be found on the dedicated post about the Bookmap cloudnotes export chart (next post)
This is the Investor/RT chart Tom uses to generate the longer-term market environment he typically displays at the start of his daily streaming session in the Traders Lab Discord room.
You may import the corresponding chart definition into your own Investor RT instance. Make sure you have reviewed the checklist about Tom Investor/RT settings on the previous post. The chart definition includes Tom's individual composite profile as per March 6, 2025
You will also get more detailed information about this chart by reviewing/downloading this video
Tom B composite chart
Tom B composite chart
This video, recorded on Feb 28th, 2025, discusses the various components/indicators used by Tom B in this chart: fractal indicator, naked VPOC based on daily and custom composite profiles, and the Low and High Volume Nodes based on a long-term profile.