RTX Project Setup in Visual Studio

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Johnny Williams
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/20/2023 - 08:04
RTX Project Setup in Visual Studio

I went through the video RTX Development: RTX Project Setup in Visual Studio. I am able to get the test project to compile and I attach to IRT with Visual Studio. But after "Insert" on a chart I don't see xyzDemo1 in the Indicator list, so I'm guessing that IRT can't find my .dll. In the video the video is supposed to go here: users\chad\investorrd\dll\xyzDemo1.dll but I believe that has been updated to here: \users\{uname}\InvestorRT\dllx64. Are there any updated instructions on building the xyzdemo project? Is there a way I can look in IRT and see where it is looking for new .dll's?

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
RTX Project Setup in Visual Studio

Older 32-bit versions of Investor/RT placed the 32-bit DLLs for RTX extensions into the DLL directory within the Investor/RT working directory. RT 15 and higher are 64-bit and require x64 DLL's to be built. Further, the resulting 64-bit DLL should be placed into the /DLLx64 directory instead.

The Investor/RT working directory is usually at C:\Users\username\InvestorRT\... where username is your Windows username

I recommend you change the RTX project name to something more meaningful than "xyzDemo" so for example, if your DLL project builds myFirstRTX.DLL then you should take the name myFirstRTX, the name of your DLL and create a folder of that name inside the \rtx directory. At startup, Investor/RT inspects all the folder names inside the \rtx directory and uses those names to create names of available indicators in the Add Indicator dialog. You will see the folders inside \rtx for each of the Linnsoft RTX extensions you use; any new ones you create must have folder names added manually. If your RTX name is not present as a subfolder name, then you can still use Add Indicator and choose RTX Extension, but this is not recommended.

This \rtx directory is where you can find source code for some LinnSoft provided RTX's. For example, look for \rtx\lsBalanceOfPower\. That directory will contain the .cpp source file for this indicator. By convention, all Linnsoft developed RTX etxtensions have names beginning with the letters LS (in lowercase), to distinguish them from user-developed or third-party developed extensions.

Johnny Williams
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/20/2023 - 08:04
Thanks. I got it to work. I'm

Thanks. I got it to work. I'm using visual studio 2022. Only thing I would mention that isn't in the video, probably due to me using a newer Visual Studio version, is how to get rid of the precompiled header files: Rt click on project properties > C/C++ > Precompiled Headers Set Precompiled Headers to "Not Using Precompiled Headers"
The default if for them to be on.