Price Statistics

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Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/16/2017 - 13:31
Price Statistics


I was wondering how you get the buy and sell volume text within the boxes for the price statistics indicator? Mine currently just has green/red colored lines without any text boxes.

Thank you!

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Price Stats - Showing Text and Pixels Per Price


The one thing that prevents text being shown at each price within the Price Statistics indicator.....there is not enough vertical space at each price for the text.  There are a couple ways to do a vertical zoom.  I always click on the chart, then use shift-scrollwheel (just hold down shift key while operating scroll wheel on your mouse).   You can also drag the left half of the vertical scale up and down.   If you drag in the top half of the scale it will adjust the highest visible price (of scale).  If you drag from lower half of scale it will adjust the lowest visible price (of scale).  Let me know if this solves your issue.

This also applies to any other indicator which has an option to draw text at each price including Volume Candles, PVP, MPH, Profile Indicator, and a few others.
