Investor/RT, Rithmic Market Data, and CME Policy Change

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Last seen: 6 months 1 day ago
Joined: 07/30/2014 - 16:18
Investor/RT, Rithmic Market Data, and CME Policy Change

I am referring to the new CME "per session" data fee policy as explained here on the rithmic site
This does raise few questions
1) If someone use Rithmic as IRT data feed, this most likely does increase the counter of Rithmic session, but is it also the case if someone only use IQ feed as data feed, and Rithmic for order routing only ?
2) Similarly, If 2 session of IRT are running simultaneously with the same setup (ie IQ feed as data feed and rithmic for order routing), does it trigger today "2 rithmic sessions" and therefore the payment of 2 x the CME data fee
3) Do you think it will be feasible to modify, as mentionned by Rithmic, the IRT/Rithmic connectivity module so that it does connect directly to the R Trader Pro 'in order to avoid the payment of multiple CME data fee ?

Thank you very much for your feedback
Best Regards,

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Rithmic Connectivity

Investor/RT is written to the Rithmic R | API+. As you can see in the Data > Setup Rithmic window, RT supports a wide variety of connectivity options. Regardless of the connectivity option selected, the underlying software functions the same. It sounds like Rithmic is developing a connectivity option that, like the ones we now support, will inform the Rithmic API to connect to R |Trader Pro running on the same machine as Investor/RT. Market data and execution related data will flow through R | Trader to Investor/RT instead of flowing directly from a remote server. I am optimistic that Investor/RT will be able to support this connectivity option easily by providing a new choice in the Setup Rithmic window  for the upcoming R | Trader Pro connectivity option. This will enable multiple instances of RT on the machine to all flow though the same connection.

I will post here again as I learn more from Rithmic on this upcoming API change.

Last seen: 6 months 1 day ago
Joined: 07/30/2014 - 16:18
Hi Bill,

Hi Bill,
that's a very good news - Thank you for the prompt and clear feedback

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 08/15/2017 - 08:24

any updates on this ?

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Rithmic Connectivity using R | Trader Pro

Investor/RT 14.1 Candidate #6 will be released later today. This version supports connectivity to Rithmic connection points using R | Trader Pro gateway. R | Trader Pro Version 16 is required for this new connectivity option. It can be downloaded from the Rithmic web site. When running R | Trader Pro, you must access the Advanced settings and enable market data and plug-in access. This allows Investor/RT to connect to R Trader Pro gateway. Effective May, Rithimic FCM/Broker partners will have two settings, one for the number of market data connections a client may have at one time, the other for the number of "orders" connections. So, for example, if your broker sets up your account with a limit of 1 market data connection and 3 orders connections, this means you can run R | Trader Pro plus 2 instances of Investor/RT simultaneously on the same machine using only 1 market data connection. Collectively there are three orders connections active for execution purposes but only a single market data connection shared by the three running apps.

Max Maxwell
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/11/2017 - 17:44
Just to confirm, are you

Just to confirm, are you saying that after I have Rithmic Trader Pro V.16 and I R/T Beta 14.1.6 installed, I just open the Ritmic Trader Pro (first) in the advanced settings? There is nothing else I need to do and I then open the I R/T charts and it will get its data from the already open R Trader pro (via plugin)?

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Rithimc Connectivity in RT 14.1c6

Here is a screenshot of the Data > Setup Rithmic window in RT 14.1 Candidate 6. Select your desired Rithmic system and gateway and check the box to Connect via R T| Trader Pro Gateway.

Investor/RT 14.1c6 is now available for download at

For more information on Rithmic-specific enhancements in this release see:

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Using Investor/RT 14 with R | Trader Pro

Once you have R | Trader Pro running and have enabled market data and plug-ins in the Advanced settings then you can startup Investor/RT. The first time you start I/RT I recommend you start while holding down the SHIFT key on your keyboard. The startup manager window will appear so you may continue with startup with Rithmic working offline. Then go to Data > Setup Rithmic and setup your system and gateway there the same as you have done in R | Trader Pro.  Check mark the box to connect via R | Trader Pro gateway and click OK.

Thereafter when you startup or issue the Data > Start Data  command, Investor/RT will establish its market data connection locally via R | Trader Pro.

For more information on Rithmic-specific enhancements in this release see:

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 08/15/2017 - 08:24
this doesn't work

hi william,

I tried all what you have stated above many times and it doesn't work. i have also requested a remote access from your team yesterday but no reply.

can you please help?


Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Rithmic connection limits

Some Rithmic brokers, e.g. Stage5, have, a short time ago, revised all clients account to have a market data connection limit of 1. Some clients who use Bookmap for execution, for example, have been using 2 market data connections before this change, e.g. one for I/RT and one for Bookmap.The recently released 14.1c6 allows RT to connect to R Trader Pro gateway and this counts as 1 market data connection, but if Bookmap is still connecting to RIthmic, either remotely, or its own use of R Trader Pro, this is causing the number of Rithmic market data connections to be seen as 2 and thus one connection gets dropped. Tomorrow new limits go into effect where all three apps will count as 1 market data connect and 3 "orders" connections, but unfortunately, for today only, the only solution to have the broker temporarily increase your market data limit to 2; tomorrow it can be reduced to 1. Hope this makes sense, the issue is that the new limit for simultaneious "order" connections is NOT in effect today, tomorrow it will be.

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
More on Rithmic Connectivity...

If you are using Investor/RT with Rithmic and you do not use any other software that connects to Rithmic, and your broker has you limited to 1 connect, you should run Investor/RT today with the checkbox for connecting via R Trader Pro unchecked. Thus I/RT will use your one connection and will provide market data and execution services on that connection. Tomorrow, you will be able to run both R|Trader Pro and Investor/RT at the same time with the checkbox checked and this will count as 1 market data connection. If you use Investor/RT for Rithmic and; you want to execute using another app, e.g. Bookmap or R | Trader Pro, then today you must have permission from your broker to have 2 market data conections (1 per app). Tomorrow the new rules go into effect and R Trader Pro with muliple apps connected thru it, will count as 1 market data connection.
