Explanations for Statistical Analysis / Homework

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Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/08/2017 - 04:15
Explanations for Statistical Analysis / Homework

You've shared some impressive studies and statistics and this functionality is precisely why I (and presumably many others) switch to IRT from other platforms.

Importing the chart definitions makes it incredibly easy to get these statistics into your own system, it has however one drawback: you don't really learn anything along the way.

Since I would love to be able to learn quickly how to do any of those (and other!) studies myself without relying on someone providing the required chart definitions, it would be incredibly helpful to have at least a high level explanation of how you approached the problem yourself and found the solution. Something that transfers some knowledge along the way and allows us users to apply it to different scenarios.
Could be something as little as a list of bullet points.

We are looking for the Average Change By Day Of Week:

  • averages over the same period of time over days / weeks / months is already included in the SessionStatistics Indicator
  • we add SESST to a new pane of a daily chart and configure it to take the effective change of this day (LastPrice CL-OP) and average it over the last 1000 days.
  • to label each bar with day of week (we don't have this functionality built in anywhere yet) we need to use a custom indicator "alwaysTrue" and ...

This would really help a lot to get a better understanding of what the many different parts of IRT are capable of and how to combine them in a way to solve new problems and make IRT even more valuable to us users!

Have a great day!

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Technical Details

I think you'll find in many of the videos I do dig into the technical details behind the studies.  But I've learned that it's actually a smaller percent that want those details, and a much larger percent that just want to import the chart (and maybe change a parameter, or change it to a different symbol).  So there is a delicate balance there.  Hopefully the responses I have just given to the 3 other threads will provide some insight.

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/08/2017 - 04:15
Your answers in the other

Your answers in the other threads definitely helped a lot, thanks for taking the time!

I'll make sure to check the videos again, what's otherwise the best way to ask questions about the workings behind RTL? Should I continue here in the forum or open support tickets or send an email ... ?

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
RTL 101 Forum

I created a new forum topic in the RTL & Backtesting section: https://www.linnsoft.com/topic/rtl-101

Feel free to post your RTL questions there.

Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 00:00
Just a suggestion for future

Just a suggestion for future videos. For a brand new user, it would be very helpful to state how you are opening certain features like "right click on..." Sounds like a little thing, but without it, a new user can spend hours stumbling around trying to open windows, particularly in such a complex platform.