Custom Shortcuts and HotKeys

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Last seen: 4 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/06/2013 - 00:00
Custom Shortcuts and HotKeys

On the Linnsoft website I've read some info about creating custom keyboard shortcuts :

I'm specifically looking to connect certain trading execution (buy at market, sell at market, flatten, etc) using the keyboard and not point & click using the mouse with chart buttons.

So is creating a Schedule for each Trading Order the best way to go about doing this?

If a Schedule was created, for example to Buy Market, connected to "F1" on the keyboard, whatever chart was activated (multiple charts open up at once), when F1 was pressed, it would Buy Market for that chart's instrument correct?

The overall goal is to make things a bit more efficient and quicker w/ respect to execution, with possibly adding another small programmable keyboard or gaming mouse.

Although my post was directed at Chad or Bill, If any I/RT users have input with using/setting up the hotkey shortcuts or on hardware like programmable keyboards and/or mouse, please feel free to share.

I found this on the site, so I might be good to go.

Making Shortcut Keys

You can create your own shortcut key for any of the Traditional Chart Toolbar functions (or any other toolbar for that matter). Simply go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts. First, specify the shortcut key combination you would like to assign at top, for instance, Shift-F2. Now, for the Action, select "Toolbar" and then "Chart", and then select the toolbar function you would like to assign to your shortcut key. Select Apply. You can also set shortcut keys for adjusting the periodicity of the chart by choosing "Periodicity" in the Action.