
Keyboard Shortcuts

General Program Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Result
Alt + O Key Opens the Object Manager
Alt + P Key Print
Shift + Alt + P Key Takes Picture of Front Window
Alt + C Key Create New Chart (Chart Setup Wizard)
Alt + R Key Opens the RTL Editor Window
Alt + G Key Start Data
Alt + K Key Stop Data
Alt + N Key Open Window Manager
Alt + 6 Key Opens a Data Download Window
Alt + 4 Key Opens the Data Status Window
Alt + 5 Key Opens the System Status Window
Alt + V Key Verify Database
Alt + B Key Backup Database
Alt + U Key Opens the Database Wizard
Ctrl + E Key Opens Export Data Window
Alt + 7 Key Opens the Import Data Window
Alt + 9 Key Opens the View/Edit Data Window
Alt + 8 Key Opens the Playback Window
Alt + A Key Opens an Instrument Setup Window
Shift + Alt + A Key Opens Alarms Window
Alt + Y Key Opens a list of Preferences
Alt + ] Key Next Layout
Alt + [ Key Prior Layout
Alt + M Key Open Message Log
Alt + L Key Show/Hide Layout Toolbar
Alt + T Key Show/Hide Active Toolbars

Eliminating Whitespace, Gaps

Toggle Whitespace

Here is how to eliminate the whitespace that can occur when a market is closed due to a holiday, abbreviated trading session, trading halt, or any other reason. If the chart has periodicity time per bar and you would like to collapse the whitespace, right click the chart and choose Periodicity-> Other; uncheck the Whitespace for Non-Trading Periods box as shown below. Keyboard shortcut Shift+8 (the asterisk key).

What is the "Fresh Start" option?

Many of the tick-based periodicities provide a Fresh Start option within the periodicity control. These periodicities include Tickbars, Volume bars, Rangebars, Renko, PNF, etc. When fresh start is available, you will see a Fresh Start checkbox at the bottom of the periodicity control as you see below:

What is a Chart Periodicity?

Periodicity is defined as the character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at regular intervals. Applied to market data analysis and Investor/RT in particular, the periodicity of a chart relates to the manner by which the periodic intervals of market data are determined. All the trading within an interval is defined as a bar, each bar having an open price, high, low, close and volume of trading during the interval. This tutorial presents the extensive range of periodicities available in Investor/RT. Periodicities are grouped into three categories: time dependent, volume dependent, and price dependent.

Chart Slide Shows

To display a slide show of Instruments, open a QuotePage containing those Instruments and on the QuotePage Toolbar, select the Slideshow Icon as shown below:
