Accessing a single MARKET_DEPTH size value

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Michael Kucks
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 05/27/2015 - 10:07
Accessing a single MARKET_DEPTH size value

Looking for some assistance with getting a single MARKET_DEPTH value from the DOM as the output for my RTX. I have declared the "MARKET_DEPTH depth;" instance and, let's say, I want the BID size at level 5.

output1[i] = depth.[5].bidsize;

does not give me what I expect. I want to see my RTX output reflect the BID size at level 5 that I see on the DOM and I expect to see it update as the DOM does.

Changing the level value should make it possible for me to acquire any single BID size I see on the DOM. By the same token, by requesting "asksize" I should be able to acquire the book volume at any level on the ASK side in real time.

I looked at the ORDER FLOW METRICS RTX extension to see if I could make that work. But it will only work with both BID and ASK if I request it to accumulate the X inside levels.

Thanks for the assistance.


Last seen: 27 min 32 sec ago
Joined: 03/01/2024 - 15:25
Accessing Market Depth Size data with Trail of Intentions RTX

Hi Mike,

Have a good look at this video - This should answer your questions - Solutions lies inside the Trail of Intentions Indicator

To access (in real time) any bid or ask Market depth size at any level, no need to create a dedicated RTX indicator, all kind of MD data will be accessible through the following type of Trail of Intentions RTX setup (using the Custom result)

Below is a setup example to recover the order book BID SIZE of the "5th level" for example

To recover/store historical MD size value (reminder : such data are not natively stored in the Investor/RT database), follow the procedure in the video ie

a) add a TINT indicator to an ES chart, with such TINT "custom result" setup and check "the store value into V#10" box

If the ES chart has a 1 second chart periodicity, you will recover one BIDSIZE data for each 1 sec bar (possibly more depending on your recalc settings)

b) create a @ES#(V#10) type of cash instrument that will store every historical MD ask/bid size value you wish to recover

Best Regards

Eddy Fromentel















Michael Kucks
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 05/27/2015 - 10:07
Many Thanks


Thanks for pointing that out on the TINT. Will give it a go.


Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Using the MARKET_DEPTH class in the RTX SDK

In general depth[index].bidsize for index = 0...9 give you the first ten levels using the RTX SDK, so depth[5].bidsize is the 6th level, not the 5th level.

Michael Kucks
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 05/27/2015 - 10:07

Thanks for the clarification. But the output for the RTX was not showing anything remotely resembling the volume at either level. Neither was it updating to reflect the changes I was seeing in the DOM. I'm really desiring to "see" the output of the RTX match the numbers in one level of the DOM. Once I know I have that code confirmed I can build anything I want from those pieces. What am I missing?
