FlexLevels disapear from Chart

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John Ryan
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/13/2022 - 11:56
FlexLevels disapear from Chart

I have been using FlexLevels on my charts for a few months. Last week they started disapearing from my charts.
On a chart I will add the flexlevel indicator and point it to a URL. It appears on the chart. Then I click the indicator to configure an on/off button at the top of the chart. Everything works as expected.
AFter I quit IRT and open it at a later time the Flexlevels are displaying on the chart, but once IRT is fully loaded the Flexlevels turn off and the flexlevel buttons do not work. I have to re enter the flexleve URL then create a button again.
I completely wiped IRT from my system and reinstalled it. That was painful. TL;DR the same problem reappeared.
My only solution is to create a resotre point before I close the application, then restore the restore point when I start it again.

Has anyone had similar problems? I cannot figure it out.

Last seen: 13 hours 48 min ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00

Delete the buttons and the Flexlevels and start fresh with a FlexLevels indicator and verify it is drawing as expected. Then Add a button, but set the purpose of the button to Show/Hide. Do not use the Add/Remove purpose. This way, you can see the levels drawing when you want them and suppress their drawing as needed.

One of the problems with using indicator related buttons is when you have added the indicator to the chart and select to revise the preferences for the indicator in some way, the button  that refers to that indicator must be kept in sync with the revised settings and some times this may not happen. In such cases re-adding the button will fix.

John Ryan
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/13/2022 - 11:56

I did not know there was a show/hide button setting. I will make that change and follow up with an update later.
Thank you