Easy RTL Syntax question- any advice is welcomed

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Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 04/14/2015 - 12:25
Easy RTL Syntax question- any advice is welcomed


I am wanting to look at simple stat involving the IB 130 and HI.

What is the correct way to code this study?
Is it

Hi >= (Sesst_IBH * 0.3 + (SESST_IBH - SESST_IBL)


Do I make a CI for (Sesst_IBH * 0.3 + (SESST_IBH - SESST_IBL)
and then reference the CI?

Hi >= CI(IBH130)

Thank you!

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
IB Stat Syntax

I would need more details regarding exactly what you're looking to calculate, but generally...


would tell us that the high (of the bar) is at or above the 130 IBH (IBH plus 30% of the range of the IB).

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 04/14/2015 - 12:25
Thanks Chad- I rather get

Thanks Chad- I rather get help like this then leaning on you to make the studies for me.
We have not spoke in a while, I hope you and your family is doing well. The webinar you did for CT was fire!

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00

Sure, and if you have any other issue getting that study done, let me know here.  Are you trying to compute the percentage of days where price goes above the 130% IBH?

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 04/14/2015 - 12:25
Yes that is the general idea.

Yes that is the general idea. What I am doing though is building a chart that looks at where OP is vs Prev IB. I.E if we open below Prev IBL, how likley are we to break Sesst_IBL and how likely are we to break the IBL 130. If my code is correct there is a lot of merit on the Prev IB Range and IBH and IBL

Hey Chad this is more of a random question, but I have always wondered if IRT could do this. Is it possible to make a Markov Chain Model? Where the model would have probabilities on key numbers ( Mid,I BH, Vwap etc) that have been calculated by a single or multi variant and IRT re-calculates the probability after each event occurs of the likelihood the next event occurs. I am not trying to code this nor do I want it coded, I am just curious if in theory it could be done.