signal markers

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/07/2012 - 00:00
Signal Marker Dates and Times read from External File

I have an automatically produced csv file with dates and times.
For example:


I want to put signal markers on the bar containing each date and time.
There may be 10s or potentially 100s of signal markers.

I'm creating a script to take this file as input and produce a second file
that contains the IRT code for a signal.

(DATE=20171206 and TIME=1430) or (DATE = 20171207 and TIME = 1030) [or ... ]

I then paste that code into the IRT Signal definition and save it.

Signal Markers & Custom Indicators

This video discusses how to create signals and custom indicators, and a quick and easy way to add them to charts via signal markers or custom indicators. (Pro Version Required)

Signal Markers Labels

This video is going to take a close look at signal markers, and specifically look at some new features to label signal markers with numerical values.

Painting Reversal Bars

Painting Reversal Bars

This video demonstrates how to add red and green markers at the top of a Point and Figure or "Reversal" chart.

Signal Markers

The Signal Marker indicator tests a user specified RTL signal or a specified Plugin Indicator that produces a signal using the periodic data in the chart. The purpose of the indicator is to mark all of the bars for which the signal is true. The signal marker setup can also perscribe a particular signal action to be executed when the signal fires true on the current bar forming in real-time. Signal Actions can in turn trigger the execution of a Trading Order and many other alert actions.